SOS, MMA, and SANEF express concern over the legal opinion obtained by the PPCC and its failure to address the constitutionality of the SABC Bill
March 28, 2024
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May 10, 2024Condemnation of State Security Agency’s Attempt to Vet SABC Head of News

South African National Editors’ Forum (SANEF), Media Monitoring Africa (MMA), SOS
Support Public Broadcasting Coalition (SOS) and the Campaign for Freedom of Expression
(CFE) —express our grave concern over recent revelations in the City Press (28 April 2024)
regarding the State Security Agency’s (SSA) attempt to yet again vet, Moshoeshoe Monare,
the Head of News at the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC).
This move by the SSA undermines the fundamental principles of media and editorial
independence and freedom of the press. While the SABC may be a deemed a Critical
Infrastructure in terms of the Critical Infrastructure Act, the Act is focused on the vetting of
security personnel and not journalists. While parliament did not accede to our requests
during deliberations on the Bill that SABC journalists were to be specifically excluded, it is
clear from the definition and aims of the Act that journalists are not included, and that
vetting is for security personnel only.
Despite the clear threat to media freedom that the request to vet Monare poses, it is mind
boggling and ridiculous that the request should come when the head of news has occupied
the position for nearly two years! It is even more worrying that it comes just a month ahead
of elections. As organisations committed to upholding media freedom, journalistic integrity
and safeguarding the public’s right to accurate information, we condemn this action
Accordingly, we call for immediate action:
1. SABC Board: As the body responsible for the SABC, we urge the SABC Board to
publicly condemn any interference in its editorial processes and to uphold their
responsibility to protect the independence of the SABC. The Head of News must be
shielded from external pressures and political interference and be allowed to
perform his editorial duties without fear or favour.
2. Minister in the Department of Communication and Digital Technologies (DCDT):
We call upon the Minister to publicly denounce this attempt to compromise media
independence. The DCDT plays a crucial role in ensuring a free and vibrant media
landscape, and any actions that undermine this must be addressed promptly.
3. Presidency: We implore the Presidency to join us in condemning this intrusion into
the SABC’s affairs. The public deserves transparency and accountability, and we
expect the highest office in the land to uphold these principles.
During an election period, it is even more critical that media are able to perform their duties
without fear and intimidation. A politically compromised media is at risk of undermining a
credible, free and fair election. We need to ensure, at all costs, that media, especially the
public broadcaster are protected from any form of intimidation and threat.
We demand that the Minister and the Presidency, Khumbudzo Ntshavheni, identify the
person (s) responsible for this interference and commit to swift disciplinary action. Those
who seek to undermine media freedom must be held accountable.
For more:Reggy Moalusi – SANEF – +2771 682 3695
William Bird – MMA – +2782 887 1370 or Thandi Smith +2773 470 7306
Uyanda Siyotula – SOS – + 2760 691 2462
Anton Harber – CFE – +2783 303 9497