November 11, 2011
TechCentral reports that a number of industry players are unhappy with the EC Act Amendment Bill. The particular worry is that ICASA will lose much of […]
November 1, 2011
Prof Tawana Kupe argues that the new Minister of Communications needs to prioritise a broadcasting policy review process and confirm the DG’s employment contract. NEW_AGE-_Urgent_leadership_required_in_the_comms_dept_-_1_Nov_2011
October 7, 2011
Speakers at an SOS debate hosted at the IAJ agreed that good content offerings were key to the success of digital migration. Business_Day_-_Content_is_key_to_SABC_digital_move_-_7_Oct_2011
June 15, 2011
ScreenAfrica reports that 42% of TV households globally are now digital. Digital_TV_households_reach_42_-_15_June_2011
May 11, 2011
There will be a new contender in the pay-TV market. A video-on-demand offer will be available from September 2011. Pay_TVs_New_Contender_-_11_May_2011
May 6, 2011
The mobile operators want to speed up the digital migration process to ensure that they get quicker access to the spectrum that will be freed up. […]
March 31, 2011
Sentech has managed to turn its dire financial situation around. It has a number of ambitious plans in the pipeline including digital migration. Sentech_gets_on_with_business_-_31_March_2011
March 31, 2011
Migration from analogue to digital will free up a big chunk of valuable radio frequency that should take wireless broadband to a much wider consumer audience. […]
March 31, 2011
The Special Investigating Unit has uncovered massive corruption, in the region of R2.4bn at the SABC SIU_uncovers_massive_state_corruption_-_31_March_2011
March 28, 2011
Sentech carries most of the country’s terrestrial television and radio signals. It was in danger of collapse. Six months ago it could not collect more than […]
March 22, 2011
The Department of Communications is planning to set up a new office to manage the digital migration process. New_Office_for_Digital_Migration_-_22_March_2011
February 5, 2010
SOS urges Parliament to extend the deadline for SABC Board nominations to ensure time for the resolving of corporate governance breaches PS_-_5_November_-_nomination_of_new_SABC_board_members