All Press Statements
October 11, 2011
The SOS Coalition has produced a pamphlet that outlines the major principles reflected in SOS’s vision for a strong new public broadcasting landscape. SOS_pamphlet_-_final
October 11, 2011
The SOS and Right 2 Know campaigns have put together a list of names of resource people that are prepared to talk on radio talkshows on […]
October 11, 2011
The SOS Coalition and Right 2 Know have drafted a script for community broadcasters to use to run talkshows on public broadcasting issues and in particular […]
October 6, 2011
The presentation delivered by Richard Waghorn, SABC Chief Technology Officer to the SOS / Institute for Advancement of Journalism / FXI and Media Monitoring Africa event […]
October 6, 2011
Presentation delivered by Richard Waghorn, SABC Chief Technology Officer, on 6 October 2011 to the SOS, Institute for Advancement of Journalism (IAJ), Freedom of Expression Institute […]
September 28, 2011
The Independent Communications Authority of SA’s Draft Digital Terrestrial Television Regulations published on 28 September 2011. These Regulations repeal the previous Digital Migration Regulations. Draft_DTT_Regs_-_2011
September 23, 2011
The SOS Coalition’s proposal for the roll-out of the broadcasting policy review process drafted in September 2011. SOS_Proposal_for_the_Policy_Review_Process_2011-2013_29-09-11_-_final
September 23, 2011
This is the report of the SOS / R2K community broadcasting workshop held on the 22nd and 23rd of September 2011. SOS-R2K_Commmunity_Broadcasting_Workshop_Report_Final
September 23, 2011
The participant list of the SOS/ R2K community broadcaster workshop held on the 22 and 23 September 2011. Appendix_1-_PARTICIPANT_LIST_SOS_R2K_Community_Broadcasting_Workshop_22-23_SEPT
September 20, 2011
Top TV’s submission to Parliament in September 2011. Top_TV_presentation_-_September_2011_-_digital_migration