Screen Africa – Pre-emptive Electronic Comms Amendment? – 29 Feb. 2012

Screen Africa – Pre-emptive Electronic Comms Amendment? – 29 Feb. 2012
February 29, 2012
Strengthening the SABC Strengthening ICASA Strengthening the Dept. of Comms Championing Community Broadcasting Going Digital Debating ownership & control MDDA Presentation to the Sparks Seminar on Regulating Broadcasting in the Digital Age – 27 Feb. 2012
March 1, 2012
Screen Africa – Pre-emptive Electronic Comms Amendment? – 29 Feb. 2012
February 29, 2012
Strengthening the SABC Strengthening ICASA Strengthening the Dept. of Comms Championing Community Broadcasting Going Digital Debating ownership & control MDDA Presentation to the Sparks Seminar on Regulating Broadcasting in the Digital Age – 27 Feb. 2012
March 1, 2012

Screen Africa – Pre-emptive Electronic Comms Amendment? – 29 Feb. 2012

The SOS: Support Public Broadcasting Coalition is of the view that it doesn’t make sense for the Department of Communications (DoC)  to be tabling the Electronic Communication Amendment (ECA) Bill now as it should be reviewed as part of the Broadcasting policy review process, which the Minister of Communications stated that she will be initiating. This follows reports that the DOC plans to introduce the Electronic Communication Amendment Bill and the Independent Communication Authority of SA (ICASA) Bill by March this year.

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