SOS Submission – Additional Comments – ICASA – Ownership and Control – 28 May 2010

SOS Oral Submission – ICASA – Ownership and Control – 6 May 2010
May 6, 2010
Parliamentary Monitoring Group minutes – Digital Migration Hearings – 1 June 2012
June 1, 2010
SOS Oral Submission – ICASA – Ownership and Control – 6 May 2010
May 6, 2010
Parliamentary Monitoring Group minutes – Digital Migration Hearings – 1 June 2012
June 1, 2010

SOS Submission – Additional Comments – ICASA – Ownership and Control – 28 May 2010

After the oral hearings SOS was given the opportunity to submit further written proposals to ICASA. SOS clarified a number of the positions it put forward at the hearings. The clarifications included further discussions on the implications of the new digital, multi-channel environment. Also, SOS explored the issue of broad based black economic empowerment and how to ensure at the level of shareholders and beyond.
