SOS submission – Draft Broadcasting Amendment Bill – 25 July 2008

SABC Commission of Enquiry into Blacklisting and Related Matters – 2006
June 14, 2000
SABC Editorial Policies – Frequently Asked Questions
January 1, 2004
SABC Commission of Enquiry into Blacklisting and Related Matters – 2006
June 14, 2000
SABC Editorial Policies – Frequently Asked Questions
January 1, 2004

SOS submission – Draft Broadcasting Amendment Bill – 25 July 2008

This is the SOS Coalition’s first submission. It was made to Parliament. The focus was the “MPs Bill” i.e. the Draft Broadcasting Amendment Bill. SOS agreed to engage with the Bill but argued that it was not ideal to introduce piecemeal changes to the Broadcasting Act, 1999. The Coalition argued that ultimately what was needed was a thorough review of broadcasting legislation and policy. What was needed was a Green Paper / White Paper process leading to the introduction of a new SABC Bill – and that even in terms of these amendments there needed to be an emphasis on both appointments and removals. Only with an emphasis on both of these issues could the various governance and management crisis be resolved at the SABC.