SOS Submission – Public Service Broadcasting Bill – main submission and annexure A – 15 January 2010

FEDUSA Submission on the Public Service Broadcasting Bill, 2009 – 15 January 2010
January 15, 2010
Input paper – ICASA – SOS Submission – Public Service Broadcasting Bill, 2009 – 15 January 2010
January 15, 2010
FEDUSA Submission on the Public Service Broadcasting Bill, 2009 – 15 January 2010
January 15, 2010
Input paper – ICASA – SOS Submission – Public Service Broadcasting Bill, 2009 – 15 January 2010
January 15, 2010

SOS Submission – Public Service Broadcasting Bill – main submission and annexure A – 15 January 2010

The SOS Coalition worked over the December holidays and pulled together a very comprehensive submission including annexures running into hundreds of pages! In its submission the Coalition argued that the Bill had been introduced prematurely. The Coalition argued that it introduced a number of radical policy shifts and that these needed to be thoroughly debated before being introduced. A comprehensive Green Paper / White Paper was needed. The submission also pointed to a number of constitutional problems with the Draft Bill.
