SOS and MMA: The New SABC Bill Is a Disaster That Will Take Public Broadcasting Backwards
October 6, 2023
SOS and MMA: Submissions on the intention to determine the date for final switch-off of the Analogue Terrestrial Television signal and the end of the Dual Illumination Period as 31 March 2023
November 8, 2023The SABC Bill — a massive blow to public broadcasting as we know it
The SABC Bill isn’t just regurgitating old, unworkable ideas; if enacted, it poses a real threat to our democracy and Parliament, and everyone who cares about our democracy should work hard to ensure it is withdrawn forthwith.
Read more here: https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2023-10-03-the-sabc-bill-a-massive-blow-to-public-broadcasting-as-we-know-it/