Uyanda is the National Coordinator at the SOS Coalition. She is a passionate advocate for public service media in South Africa and constantly drives initiatives aimed at promoting transparency, accountability, sustainability and independence at the SABC. She has a keen interest in media freedom, policy, digital media and media law. Her commitment to public service media advocacy work contributes to shaping discourse around access to information, media freedom, and the role of public service media in fostering an informed society.
She has a strong media background, having completed a postgraduate qualification in media studies and lecturing the course for more than five years. She brings to the Coalition unique expertise and dynamic approach to strategy, policy engagement and organisational operations.
As the National Coordinator her role is multifaceted. She primarily focuses on strategic leadership to the Coalition through developing and implementing initiatives to promote and protect public service media. She leads and coordinate efforts to garner support from industry stakeholders to influence policy, legislative and regulatory developments and changes. Apart from ensuring good governance and organisational development through building partnerships with organisations that are values and goals aligned, she ensures financial sustainability of the Coalition for the advancement of its advocacy work. She is dedicated to working to ensure that public service media remains a cornerstone of democracy and operating in the public interest.