Department of Communications Tables FPB Amendment Bill before Parliament
Introduction On Tuesday, 23 February 2016, the Department of Communications tabled the FPB Amendment Bill before Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Communications. Once enacted, the Bill would […]Electronic Communications Amendment Bill, 2011
The Dept of Communications tabled an Electronic Communications Act Amendment on 4 November 2011. This Bill was later withdrawn. ECA_Amendment_Bill_Nov_2011 (1)Prof. Guy Berger – Response to SOS’s Policy Suggestions on the Digital Dividend – 24 March 2011
Prof Guy Berger, from Rhodes University, puts forward his view on SOS’s policy suggestions on the digital dividend. Prof_Guy_Bergers_response_to_SOSs_initial_positions_on_the_digital_dividend_-_March_2011SOS – Policy Suggestions on the Digital Dividend – 23 March 2011
SOS puts forward its initial suggestions on the digital dividend. Digital_Dividend_ParaSouth African Screen Federation Press Statement – the ICASA Amendment Bill – 12 July 2010
The South African Screen Federation (SASFED’s) press statement on the implications of the ICASA Amendment Bill released 12 July 2010 ICASA_ACT (1)Implications of the ICASA Amendment Bill – 6 July 2010
SOS released a press statement on the implications of the ICASA Amendment Bill on 6 July 2010. SOS believes that there are both serious content and […]The ICASA Amendment Bill, 25 June 2010
The ICASA Amendment Bill, 2010 was gazetted by government on 25 June 2010 with 30 days for comment. gg33324Draft Public Service Broadcasting Bill, 2009
This is the Department of Communication’s Draft Public Service Broadcasting Bill. The Bill introduces some radical changes to the broadcasting landscape including a completely new funding […]ICASA – Explanatory memo on the decision to withdraw and republish the DTT Regs – 4 Sept 2009
ICASA’s explanatory memo on the decision to withdraw and republish the DTT Regulations, gazetted on 4 September 2009 DDT_Regulations_-_4_September_09Draft STB manufacturing sector development strategy for SA – July 2009
South Africa’s official draft STB manufacturing development strategy adopted in July 2009. Set_top_box_regulationsICASA – Digital Terrestrial Television Regulations – 31 March 2009
ICASA’s Digital Terrestrial Television Regulations gazetted 31 March 2009. DTT_REGULATION_FOR_FINAL_PUBLIC_CONSULTATIONBroadcasting Amendment Act, New Clauses passed in March 2009
Here is a copy of the Broadcasting Amendment Act passed in March 2009. Broadcasting_Amendment_Act_2009 (1)Draft Broadcasting Amendment Bill, 4 July 2008
The Draft Broadcasting Amendment Bill was published on 4 July 2008. It was introduced by Members of Parliament. Its main purpose was to allow for the […]SABC Editorial Policies – 2004
The SABC’s editorial policies adopted in 2004. Editorialpolicies_revThe ICASA Act, 2000
The ICASA Act was passed in 2000. It was then amended again in 2002, 2004 and 2006. It is now up for further amendments.SOS is worried […]