The SOS Coalition calls on the NPA to action Zondo Commission’s SABC corruption recommendations

The SOS Coalition Warns Against the Appointment of an Interim SABC Board
October 9, 2022
The Board-less SABC faces uncertainty and potential destabilisation.
October 18, 2022
The SOS Coalition Warns Against the Appointment of an Interim SABC Board
October 9, 2022
The Board-less SABC faces uncertainty and potential destabilisation.
October 18, 2022

The SOS Coalition calls on the NPA to action Zondo Commission’s SABC corruption recommendations

The SOS: Support Public Broadcasting Coalition calls on the National Prosecuting Authority to follow through with the Zondo Commission’s recommendations regarding further investigations and possible prosecutions of former SABC executives.

Former Group Chief Executive Officer (GCEO) Ms Lulama Mukhobo and Group Chief Operations Officer (GCOO) Mr Hlaudi Motsoeneng were found, by the Commission, to have contravened the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA).

SOS believes it is of utmost importance that the SABC be supported to root out corruption, and for those found criminally liable, to pay.

Find the report recommendations here: Judicial Commission of Inquiry into State Capture Report: Part V – Volume 2; The SABC, Waterkloof Landing and Prasa.

We make this call at a time when the SABC is again suffering from insufficient oversight by Parliament, who has failed to timeously appoint the new SABC Board.

SOS will always lead the civil society call for an independent, just and accountable SABC.

Uyanda Siyotula
National Coordinator